Photos by Orest Dorosh – When the world prevents you from going outside there’s no other choice but to lean inward. The old adage “It starts from within” takes on a whole new meaning during a global pandemic, a poignant theme that threads through Vancouver indie rock band Mother Mother’s eighth full-length album Inside. Written during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, Inside sees band frontman and songwriter Ryan Guldemond seeking inspiration through self-discovery and reflection.

“The world stopped, and all of sudden I had a lot more alone-time on my hands, which isn’t necessarily conducive to songwriting,” Ryan says. “Usually, I like to venture out and find guidance from an external, interactive narrative—travelling, people, serendipities etc. I love that process – it’s almost like you’re in collaboration with the world. But since that wasn’t an option, I set about a different kind of travel, one more inward and personal, exploring different types of therapies, meditation, and journaling as a means to unearth songs from a deeper, interior place.”