Silver and Gold is a song about friendship. It talks about new friends and those you’ve held close forever. It’s a meditation on how friendships can grow and blossom. I really feel like my friends are part of how I define myself. You can tell that people are friends because they have similar style or they like the same music or hate the same things…they have something in common that brings them together. Those relationships nurture my creativity and keep me going. My family members are my friends and my friends have become extensions of my family.

Silver and Gold
Gabby La La
When I became a mother, my friends were the main reason why I was able to continue creating art. They came and held my son during performances, rehearsals and recording sessions so I never had to leave m y son home and he could drink his fresh milk when he wanted it, and also grow up around music.
The friendships I have nurtured with fellow Mamas have been the most supportive of all. No one but another mother can truly understand what you have been through. The fear of the unknown, and the growth and joy that blooms through witnessing your child’s lifelong transformation is inspiring and humbling.
This song specifically references how I met almost all of my bandmates from Snow Angel on one night in Oakland at a first Friday party at the Naming Gallery. They were all singing out on the sidewalk and they looked so fun and cool. My husband said something like, “Those look like girls you’d be friends with. You should go ask them to join your band.” So I walked up as asked them and they said YES! We really hit it off and after the party, we walked down the street to get slices of pizza at this cool spot that had pinball machines inside. My son always called it “Pinball Pizza” which wasn’t actually the name, but it should have been. Soon, this gaggle of girls became Snow Angel and some of my best friends.
The other part of the songs talks about how my friendship with my husband turned into love. You’ll have to listen to the song for all the juicy details.
Anyways, I love my friends and I this song is dedicated to all of you!
And if I don’t know you, I can’t wait to meet you so we can become friends!