Norman, OK’s Sisteria is a band that feels wise beyond its years; or should we say year. They haven’t been around long. But they sound like they’ve been around forever. After one listen, you feel like you’ve known them forever. They have a classic rock sound that will never get old. And for a young band that is about to drop their debut LP, that’s got us pretty excited. Two singles have already dropped from Dark Matter (August 19, Horton Records); “Star Child” and “Hunger.” Today sees the release of the LP’s third single, “Wade My Way.”We caught up with Sisteria’s front person, Katie Williams. She tells us the song is “about breaking free from a situation or anything that binds you, be it a situation, a person, etc. ‘I’ll bide my time til the river goes down then I’ll wade my way on through’ reminds us that we are capable of navigating our personal challenges and that this too shall pass.” Amen to that.

Dark Matter will be released in all forms on Tulsa’s Horton Records label. According to their site, “Horton Records is dedicated to the cultivation and development of Tulsa area artists and building on the great tradition of music from that region, while fostering and strengthening community through musical endeavors.” We need more labels like Horton.