WORLD No stranger to us now, thanks to her release of the singles ‘Freedom’ and ‘Trouble’ this spring and summer, Irish singer-songwriter Cat Dowling is back with a stunning new single ‘Animals’, the third teaser from her forthcoming album of the same name, which she has just announced will be released on November 12via Forever In Financial Arrears Records (FIFA Records).

This is a song of movement, sensuality, wildness, love and freedom. A song about that beautiful part inside the human make-up that can’t ever and should never be tamed. On this particular single, Dowling recalls such artists as Daughter, Fiona Apple, Wolf Alice, Feist and even a bit of Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeahs). That list, in and of itself,should speak volumes. This music develops from melancholic and nervous to ecstatic euphoria – a short but intense beautiful journey. This song would definitely not be out of place in film or even TV commercials.

This single comes on the trail of two singles, the latest of which is ‘Freedom’, a lush slice of soulful pop perfection for which Dowling worked with film-maker Alba Lahoz, featuring her three free-spirited children doing their thing on the beach. The video for the earlier single,‘Trouble’, made by BAFTA award-winning director Fergal Costello, tells the story of a dark, comedic and violent tale set outside of 1981 Belfast.

“I wrote Animals during a busy period of my life when to find those rare moments to write music meant I had to be a thief elsewhere. But it was these stolen moments that gave me oxygen and a beautiful almost supernatural energy,” says Cat Dowling.

‘Animals’ was written when everyone was sleeping. It started with the driving repetitive rhythm which had to be restrained so as not to wake a soul. It thus became hypnotic.  It starts as minor and ends up major. It’s about the major and minor of life and of love and the constant pull in everything between major and minor and the light and the dark. It’s a song ultimately of passion, wildness, sensuality and love.”

Lauded as one of the most wonderful and evocative vocalists in Irish contemporary music, Cat Dowling’s beautifully dark pop songs and those husky and achingly intimate vocals will grip you from the outset. The former Babelfish and Alphastates frontwoman creates well-crafted songs that inspire.

Produced by Gerry Horan with Dowling as co-producer, and mixed by Ger McDonnell (The Cure, U2, Van Morrison, Martha Wainwright, Shane McGowan, Sinead O’Connor), Dowling’s latest output was partially recorded at Crossroads Studio in Kilkenny with support from Ireland’s Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sports and Media.

In 2013, Dowling debuted with ‘The Believer’ LP, ranked in numerous ‘Best of Year’ music polls, including The Sunday Times. The title track featured in the second series of ‘Banshee’, produced by Alan Ball (Six Feet Under, American Beauty, True Blood) and the ‘Witches of East End’ TV series, featuring Julia Ormond. The song ‘Somebody Else’ was also used in ‘My name is Emily’. Cat has also lent vocals on many collaborative projects, including for ABC’s ‘How To Get Away With Murder’ with Emmy-winning actress Viola Davis.

FIFA Records is a steadily expanding label, who have continuously worked with exciting new Irish talent (Fight Like Apes, One Morning in August, Klubber Lang, Hope is Noise, Dae Kim, Lorraine Nash), as well as releasing material from more established names on the Irish indie scene, such as The Frank & Walters, Emperor of Ice Cream, August Wells, Power of Dreams and Whipping Boy.

As of September 21, ‘Animals’ is available everywhere digitally, including SpotifyApple Music and Bandcamp. Fans can expect the release of the full ‘Animals’ album on November 12 – digitally, as well as on CD and limited-edition cassette.

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