While space travel and exploration seems to be a big theme in the arts, whether you look at movies, books or music. However, in the case of music, some artists take things to the next level in terms of their overall aesthetic and thematics. Take for instance, European electro-disco hybrid adventure duo  The Keplerians. On their forthcoming ‘Spaceship Earth’ EP and even earlier since announcing this project, they not only explore space but Earth, arriving here from another planet altogether – the planet of Kepler. Powered by a Daft Punk-esque groove, here we have a  smooth and kinetic tasteful taste of trance / rave music that also calls to mind Russia’s PPK with their spacey yet lively output. Dive in to the lead track and enjoy the ride. There’s more to come where this came from. Friday brings the full EP release.

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Here is the unique storyline behind this project:
Two inhabitants of the planet Kepler-452b (KOI-7016.01) set out on a leisure trip through outer space but end up having problems with their ship’s geolocation system. After several fix attempts, they finally manage to solve the problem and their ship takes them back home. However, as the ship re-enters the atmosphere, they realize that it is not their planet… but a planet very similar to theirs, and which they later discover is called “Earth”. They discover that its inhabitants have a similar appearance to them, and they seize the chance to take turns discovering more about this new world.

During this discovery trip, they find something wonderful created by the earthlings, called “Music”. From their understanding, it seems to be a peculiar way of expressing feelings. At the same time, it’s also embedded in complex mathematical operations, exploring an acoustic vibration phenomenon they call “sound”. Deeply passionate about this discovery, they decide to dedicate themselves to it, expressing what they are feeling in this new world through the language of music.

Their passions then extend to Earth’s entire ecosystem – its fauna and flora, society and the interactions of its human inhabitants. All of these factors inspire them deeply. From their secret contact with this new world arises a global perception of life on planet Earth, as well as the need to leave a message for all Humans before returning to their planet: “Love your planet because it is your home”.

Closing the space-time gap, let’s look at this week’s itinerary, shall we? Today we are pleased to premiere not one but two musical gifts to Earthlings from the spacemen. On the visual front, we have the ‘Casa’ livestream, the song for which is also found on the aforementioned ‘Casa’ EP.  And on the audio front, we have the title track to the new EP ‘Spaceship Earth’, which was inspired by the famous words of Marshall McLuhan – “There are no passengers on spaceship Earth. high-energy three-track offering is supercharged with punch, positivity and a sense of adventure.

“We are all crew”.  This quote, featured in our track ‘Spaceship Earth’, was our starting point for composing this EP, following the same concept as our first one: spreading awareness about the need to preserve and conserve planet Earth, to remind earthlings that they have a beautiful, unique and epic Home that needs to be loved and cherished… and while we do this, why not also make them dance?” asks RR 14-775 and RF 14-703 of The Keplerians in perfect synchronicity.

On this EP, The Keplerians deliver a powerful message while kicking up an electronic storm of good vibes and a desire to move one’s body, influenced by such artists as Daft Punk, Woodkid, The Chemical Brothers, Chromeo, Kool & The Gang, Modjo and Jamiroquai, as well as Hans Zimmer.

As of March 25, the ‘Spaceship Earth’ EP will be released via Europe’s Blim Records and available across online stores and streaming services. You can add, save or pre-order the single at https://ffm.to/thekeplerians-spaceshipearth or download it directly from the artist via Bandccamp at https://thekeplerians.bandcamp.com

Performed, produced and mixed by RR 14-775 and RF 14-703
‘Spaceship Earth’ & ‘Final Frontier’ composed by RR 14-775 & RF 14-703
‘This Place We Call Home’ composed by RR 14-775, RF 14-703, JG 17-897 and CN 10-179
Vocals on ‘Spaceship Earth’ by EJ 21-983
Vocals on ‘This Place We Call Home’ by RA 17-004
Recorded in Lisbon, Portugal by The Kleperians
Mastered by SN 14-769
Cover artwork by Diana Reis
Video created by MADStudios