Born in Tel Aviv, and moving to the US and back all until she was 5 years old, Lia didn’t fit in at school. The language barrier made her different to the other kids and she wasn’t accepted. This led to her finding her refuge in the music room, and figuring out her identity by performing at the school events from as young as 7 years old. Growing up in a musical family, with her mom a former dancer and her dad a former boy band member, Lia had music around her from very young age. Even though she knew she wanted to be a musician, Lia didn’t start creating her own music until she was 14. She knew she didn’t want to sing other people’s songs, other people’s stories. She had a lot to say and to sing about channelling her sadness and feelings of loneliness, depression and difference into her music. At that point, she wanted to get away from everything she knew, to leave her bubble and  travelled to New York City by herself, to attend a music camp. This experience was eye opening for Lia asshe turned a new leaf socially and finally found herself and her sound helping her create happy, hopeful music, as well as widened her love for song writing. 

However, after coming home Lia realized her talent was still raw and premature to start releasing music. At 17 years old she met her now manager, LA based Sharona Nomder, and at that point Lia started to have the team around her to help her create the music she had always dreamt of releasing. Over the last two hears Lia has been compiling what will be her debut EP. Originally, she had planned to come to LA to write and record her EP but unfortunately due to the pandemic she was forced to stay home. However, Lia now looks back at this as a positive as she was able to dream up the concept for this EP from the comfort of her bedroom, or coffee shops with her friends and loved ones, allowing her to create a record that she feels is more true and real to her. Stay tuned to Lia D’sau’s social below for more information on Lia as well as updated on the release of her debut EP set for release later this year.

“After we released “Bird”, and the video, the response was so great. so we made 3 remixes and released them as a mini ep. I’ve always felt that “Bird” is a travelling song and the SHOSH remix makes it feel like that even more.”