Join Artist Molly Johnson, Andrew Burashko and other Music Representatives in a discussion of Toronto’s Live Music Scene Post-COVID, moderated by one of our best broadcasters and music lovers, Garvia Bailey in what is sure to be an insightful and spirited hour.

The panel is a diverse and seasoned group whose collective expertise cover (s) many of the midsize to smaller venues.

Sunday’s article in the Sunday Star offered some welcome news regarding tax breaks for owners of live music venues – and Mike Tanner, Music Sector Development Officer will speak for the City of Toronto to offer clarity and hope.

The live music industry in Toronto has been decimated by the forced shutdown of public gatherings in the city. Many venues where musicians perform were already under pressure due to rising real estate costs.  Many were forced to close and some will never re-open.  But even for those that will survive, who knows when performers will be able to share their work in front of a large audience again?  Live performance has been key in the career development of so many artists.  What will the live music scene will look like as we begin to emerge from shutdown.  Our panel well speak to the future of venues that feature our artists and several artists will talk about how important live performance has been in their careers.

Join the Empire Club of Canada Zoom Meeting June 16th when a panel representing the live music scene in Toronto for an important discussion about the future of live music in our city.

WHO: Moderator Garvia Bailey will host panelists Molly Johnson providing the artist perspective; Andrew Burashko, Art of Time Artistic Director on producing live music; Aida Aydinyan, GM at Koerner Hall; Mike Tanner Music Sector Development Officer, City of Toronto; and Brian Iler, Chair of Hugh’s Room Live.

WHAT: Empire Club of Canada Zoom Panel

WHEN: Tuesday, June 16 2020

TIME: 12:00 PM to 1 PM