Edmonton singer-songwriter Emmet Michael confronts ghosts from the past and present with his evocative new song, “Halloween.” The track, exceptionally personal in nature, bravely addresses familial strain, the notion of irreparably damaged relationships, and how to carry the weight of monumental decisions alone.

Written in the aftermath of having cut his father out of his life, “Halloween” confronts the dual reality of the guilt surrounding that decision and the realization it was also necessary to move forward with his life.

“The song is a reluctant acknowledgment that my father wasn’t going to change and be the person he needed to be,” Emmet says. “It’s all about letting go, but also reminiscing on those better times in the past.”

Growing up, Emmet acknowledges the relationship between him and his father was good, but when things grew difficult, his father’s emotional distance only served to further complicate things.

“He never really learned how to be emotionally supportive and have those open conversations that we needed to have. I didn’t feel a lot of safety in the relationship and, ultimately, that’s what kickstarted me regularly using drugs and alcohol. You can love and miss someone, as I do with my father, but you can also only extend grace for so long until you’re emotionally broken until you choose yourself.”

The lyrics to “Halloween” came to Emmet during an unexpected overnight creative burst.

“The lyrics to this song actually started coming to me in the middle of the night a couple of years ago,” he begins. “At first, I figured I’d just remember everything the next day, but quickly realized that good songs can be scarce, so I dragged myself out of bed, went down to the basement, and in a matter of five minutes, all the lyrics had spilled out of me.”

The sparse, haunting arrangement of the song only serves to further emphasize the emotional scars of the delicate nature of his relationship with his father. And though some might be hesitant to open their lives to such scrutiny, Emmet shares that there is healing to be found in such frankness.

The candid video clip for “Halloween” helps lend gravitas to the track and sees Emmet performing the song while seated at a microphone. Accompanied by only his guitar, the irrefutable, emotional undercurrent running throughout the lyrics of “Halloween” are amplified by the casual surroundings.

The single is the first new music from Emmet since the release of his album his debut full-length album “I Hope You’re Home” in 2021.

“I still remember the first time I told an audience that I was transgender. It was never something I HAD to do, or that I owed to anyone, but I felt like so much of meaning behind my songs that would be buried if I didn’t”, explains Emmet. “I wanted people to know the lens my songs were being written from, and that is very true of ‘Halloween’ as well.

“I always worry I’m leaving too much on the table with my songs because they are so personal. It’s uncomfortable and awkward but leaning into that and allowing myself to feel those emotions is critically important. It’s hard to say anything bad about someone you really love, but it’s important for me to honour myself first and foremost.”