All of Rachel McIntyre Smith’s music sounds and feels like a classic country embrace, so it is no surprise that her aural goal with her brand new single was just that: a warm hug. An acoustic take on her song “Queen of Our Hometown,” the single wraps its loving arms around the listener, urging them to visit the place where they are loved the most. Also a nod to hometown inspirations, the acoustic version of “Queen of Our Hometown” peels back the musical layers that cloaked the version of the song that graced her recent EP release, “Glory Daze,” leaving just Smith’s pristine and breathtaking vocals, gently focused in a bluegrass-esque pairing of mandolin and banjo to accompany her story. It’s a big hug in musical form, the kind you get from family when you go home for the holidays.

Amplify Music Magazine is pleased to premiere the song here today for fans to take a first listen. We also sat down with the Chattanooga-based Smith recently to talk about the single, and you can read our Q&A below while you listen.

Tell us the story behind this song. What prompted you to write it and what is it about?

The concept of this song was inspired by two incredible women from my hometown. They are such bright lights in our community, but they moved away to achieve their goals. I began writing with specifically these two women in mind, but, as I was writing it, I realized that it really was a lot bigger than that. The message morphed into: go to the place where you are loved the most. That transformation probably happened because I was writing it at a sad time in my life. I was lonely and living in an apartment that I couldn’t afford in a city that was hours away from my family. The main bright spots of my day were when I would call my mom, and she would tell me about stuff going on at home. When she could tell I was feeling down, she would say, “Why don’t you just come on home for the weekend?” When I was winding through the backroads to get to my hometown, I started feeling like myself again. Just a few days with my family in that town made me feel recharged. Life is hard, and I’m so grateful to have a place where I can return that makes me feel special. I’m so grateful for the folks who always greet me with open arms and casseroles.

How was it recording an acoustic version of the song? Besides the obvious (different instrumentation), how else do you think it differs from the EP version?

I always enjoy creating acoustic versions of my songs because it gives the song a different perspective. It’s kind of like taking a photograph in the same spot at different times of the day. The content is the same but different areas are highlighted.  In this rendition, the vocals, mandolin, and banjo are highlighted. It’s a whole new way of hearing the song. I think folks are gonna like it!

What kind of vibe did you want this acoustic version to have?

I wanted this version to have a more bluegrassy, storyteller vibe to it. Without the electric instruments and the percussion, the twang of the banjo and mandolin really shine. It’s easier to hear and understand all the words,so it unfolds more like a story. In a way, this version kind of reminds me of getting a call from mom. It feels like mom is trying to tell me all the reasons I should come back for a visit. I wanted it to feel like a musical hug.

What do you hope the message is for listeners of this song? What do you hope it conveys?

The song is all about going to the place where you are loved most. This year has been tough for a lot of folks, and it’s rejuvenating to be around people who care about you. With Thanksgiving around the corner, I think this is the perfect track to put on as you drive back home. I hope this song makes people think of a place or a person that makes them feel safe and loved.

What is next for Rachel McIntyre Smith?

I’m really looking forward to the last bit of 2022 and into 2023! I’m in the midst of my first-ever radio campaign, which has been really fun. On top of that, there will be a lot more music and shows. Y’all can stay tuned for all the exciting things in store by following me @rachelmcintyresmith on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok.
