Founded amid the COVID-19 pandemic, EIGHT THOUSAND BIRDS is an alt-pop duo that has never met IRL. Formed in 2021, when Vancouver-based musician Alejandro Zarazua met Johannesburg-based vocalist Hayley Chewins on an online music forum, the two were soon collaborating and creating music virtually. The result, their debut EP Turn Again and Come Back, is now set for release on February 14th. The hauntingly beautiful ‘Blue House’ is the first single to be released from the EP with the track showcasing what the electronic music project does best, blending personal lyrics and lush eerie melodies.

“I’m a novelist, and this song started out as a story idea,” says HayIey. “I wanted to write about a woman who was trying to drive away from a house and couldn’t; no matter how far she drove, she always ended up back in the driveway. When I realized it was a song, it poured out of me in one go. It’s about our relationship with the past and how sometimes something happens to you that you just can’t close the door on.”

EIGHT THOUSAND BIRDS’ new single ’Blue House’ will be available on January 17th on Spotify, Apple Music/iTunes, and other digital retailers and streaming services worldwide.


EIGHT THOUSAND BIRDS is an alt-pop band based out of Johannesburg and Vancouver.

Hayley Chewins and Alejandro Zarazua met in September 2021 when Alejandro posted on a forum looking for a vocalist. Hayley responded and sent him a few crackly voice notes of improvised melodies. She’s been sending him crackly voice notes ever since.

Their debut EP, Turn Again and Come Back, is an electronic singer-songwriter project that blends personal lyrics and lush, eerie melodies with elements of folk and pop.

Hayley and Alejandro have never actually met because Hayley lives in South Africa and Alejandro, who is originally from Mexico, lives in Canada.

One day they’ll meet in person. Until then, they’ll keep making music.