This song tells my story, on various levels. While it focuses on my career through the highs and lows, it can be relatable to all who use music to persevere through tough times. I was just two years old when I was entered into my first singing competition at the Ilderton Fair, just outside my home town of London Ontario. I had long curly hair, wore a white dress and sang “You Are My Sunshine.” I took home first place that night; the rest is history. The story that continues after that day remains the proverbial rollercoaster. There have been some incredible experiences along the way, but often when the curtain gets pulled back in the music industry, it is easy to lose sight of the magic that the music can create, lose sight of what pulled you into the “music” universe in the first place.

It can be extremely difficult to navigate a balance between your passion for the music and the negativity that you can encounter along the way.  Music in it’s purest sense is meant to be uplifting and healing, but the process of delivering it can work in reverse and tear you down at times. I’ve always strived to be my authentic self, and when I think back to why I began this journey, it was and always will continue to be the music. I am not ashamed to admit now that this song could very well have been my career “farewell” song. However in the process of bringing this song to life I came to realize that this is a new beginning. This song gave me new life by bringing me back to the reason I love doing this…the music.

I want to thank my co-writer Jennifer Schott; an absolute power house, mentor and friend who has been with me during my whole professional career; I couldn’t have written this with anyone else. And lastly, thank you music, you’ve always had a way of pulling me back in. While this song is my story, it can be relevant to anyone who turns on their favourite song. For that moment it is all about the music. Music is healing. Music is emotion. Music can be anything we want it to be for us at that moment that we need comfort. I think we can all thank music for bringing us some of our greatest joys and helping us get through our toughest times.