Review by Amanda Daubert – For fans of the Cleveland based blues-rock band, Welshly Arms, it has been a long 5 year wait for a new album. But their patience is about to be rewarded with the absolutely incredible 13 track release of Wasted Words & Bad Decisions. Slowly teasing fans with several singles over the past 2 years, there were glimpses into the diverse sound this album would showcase, but those singles were just the beginning! 

Kicking off the record is “Are You Lonely?” Released back in October 2021, fans have been enjoying this seemingly upbeat song with a powerful message about the increasingly common need for outside influences to spark social connection and enjoyable human interactions. You can easily find yourself singing along to some very sobering lyrics that will hopefully help encourage strong interpersonal relationships, without the need for outside stimulus. Next up is “Dangerous,” another pre-released single which solidifies that, through and through, Welshly Arms is a powerful rock band. The gravel, and emotional growl in lead singer Sam Getz voice, contrasted by the gospel vocals of the incredible Jon & Bri Bryant, are the perfect pairing on this fantastic track. 

Continuing on we have track 3, “One More Hallelujah.” While unreleased, this song has been a common first song on a handful of setlists over the past year. The fiercely passionate lyrics offer themselves as the album title “Wasted words and bad decisions, you gave up but I didn’t.” For anyone that’s ever been on the trying side of a one-sided relationship, this song is sure to feel like a spiritual awakening. Keeping with the jilted lover theme we have track 4, “Trouble.” There’s no need to read between the lines with this track with lyrics like “How can somebody be so cold, If you love me let me go.”  

Next you have the emotional and deeply personal track, “Save Me From The Monster In My Head.” The soul-barring lyrics of this song beautifully illustrate the powerful need a person can have for another. For anyone that has struggled with depression and anxiety, but is fortunate enough to have someone like this in their life, this will feel like an open letter to that person that truly keeps you safe. With emotions running high, we turn our Welshly Arms diary to another open letter with “I Surrender.”  This manuscript is addressed to a powerful love, which after a hard road and tough fight, our lyricist is finally ready to surrender to.

Now, if you only have 3 ½ minutes to listen to this album, you need to jump straight to track 7 – “Have It All.” This empowering rock anthem is a stand-out track for all the right reasons. You will undoubtedly be caught singing “Who says I can’t (ahhahahaha), who says I can’t (ahahaha), who says I can’t (ahahaha), who says I can’t have it all?” If you need a hype-song to help you go after whatever it is you want, this is it! Now that your self-esteem is pumping, you’re ready to go after a dangerous and passionate love interest with “Burn Me Alive.” Fair warning, you might just need a fire extinguisher after this track.

Changing gears a bit we arrive at track 9, “Stand.” Some songs are written and set aside until the world forces them into the light, which is exactly what seemed to happen with this track. The powerful and poignant lyrics seemed all too fitting when it was released in April 2020 only to later be joined by an equally powerful video the following month. The video showcased fans from all over holding up lyrics to the song which beautifully displayed the true vision behind the lyrics “We got the same blood, so just stand by me and I’ll stand by you.” From standing together to truly standing on your own we have track 10, “I Will Overcome,” a motivational gospel about fighting through your personal struggles.

Similar to “Are You Lonely?,” there’s an upbeat track behind parts of “Love Is Not a Weapon,” only to melt into a desperate plea for love that evokes strong emotion leaving any listener petitioning for the fictional couple to make it through. Track 12 turns up the swagger with “Proud,” and that is exactly what the band should be after this album. Wrapping up we have track 13, “Find My Way Home.” This raw and emotional ballad rounds out the expansive range in talent and sound that you find throughout this album. 

Getz eloquently stated that “These songs speak to who we all are in this exact moment of our lives. Musically, we wanted this record to bring us back to the raw rock-n-roll that we had built the band on when we were jamming in the basement together. But, of course, we’ve also matured and gelled as musicians after touring the world together, and I think that intersection is what made Wasted Words & Bad Decisions so fun and rewarding to create.” Well, it isn’t just fun and rewarding to create, it is also fun and rewarding to listen to. Make sure to check out Wasted Words & Bad Decisions out everywhere April 6th, and if abroad, catch Welshly Arms on their European tour kicking off April 13th.