Finnish Helsinki-based progressive melodic rock band Darkness Is My Canvas released the first single ‘Fade Into The White Noise’ from their upcoming EP ‘White Noise’ which is set to be released later in 2023 via Inverse Records. 

The band comments the single:
Of our singles, FITWN has been the most demanding one arrangement-wise. We’ve been playing this song since the summer of 2022, testing different versions on our gigs to see how the audience reacts to them. The chorus has been practically the same, but many hours have been poured into the lyrics, vocals, and instruments to make them just right.

Story-wise, FITWN represents the typical Darkness Is My Canvas, where the storyteller brings out his own interpretation of things that can be seen in many different ways. Dealing with topics of mental health, as many of our songs do, the lyrics are basically pretty straightforward. The audience loves it, so we decided to select that as the opening song and track of our EP.

We want to make our songs relatable, which means we try to make them so that both the melody and the lyrics have a strong pull. We think this song has just that. It’s also timeless and bears listening many times over.”  

Joni Kantoniemi, A&R Inverse records: “What impressed us the most with DIMC was that their stuff is extremely well put together and that these guys sound as good live as they do in the studio. We are thrilled as to the possibilities of our partnership.