Nicole Rayy knows something about drawing inspiration from love and loss. The universal struggle with finding a solid footing in relationships manifests itself within her process, and gathering from her myriad travels and connections – she has created something that is both familial and engaging.

Her new album is a stunning collection of songs that traverse borders and (at times) genres. “I’ve always drawn inspiration from many genres of music and it’s nice to feel like I can include those inspirations into the music, but still tell a story like a classic country song,” says Rayy. “That being said, I do hope this record stands out as being uniquely its own. People have always asked me who do I sound like and my answer has always been, I sound like me. This CD is 100 percent me and I hope listeners can enjoy what I have to offer as an artist.” 

Produced by the famed Brian Howes (Mother Mother / Daughtry) – songs like “Unfinished” showcase her strength as a solo artist and her open take on country music. “The other element that is present throughout all my tracks is honesty. It’s always been important to me to be as honest as possible when writing. The thing I love so much about music is listening to a song and hearing a story and thinking wow I’m not the only person who feels this way, I’m not alone,” Rayy explains. “I’ve always wanted to be as real and as honest as possible when telling my stories so when people listen to them, they get that same feeling.”

The southern, Ontario-born Rayy has been writing her own songs since she was a teenager, and her talent launched her into the Canadian Country music scene in 2012 with the release of her debut EP “Only Everything”. But it was her second album, “Dig,” that really solidified her as a force to be reckoned with within the Canadian country scene.  Soon after she found herself being a multiple Country Music Association of Ontario Award nominee, playing festivals like The Calgary Stampede, Trackside, Howl at the Moon – and found herself opening up for country music powerhouses like Aaron Pritchett and Brett Kissel. She’s even had the experience of performing at the World Music Festival in Shanghai, China, for four years in a row (2015-2018), proving to be a hit among Shanghai’s enthusiastic crowds. Recently she was honoured with a nomination by CMA Ontario for Rising Star of the Year and her latest single “Fireproof” took her fans by storm and garnered large streaming numbers.

Nicole has been continuously pushing forward the limits of country music in Canada and abroad. And with her unquestionable talent and incredible showmanship – she has gained the attention of local music lovers and the music industry alike. Her new album captures (and continues) to build upon all that buzz. “I’ve wanted to make music since I was a kid,” she says. “It is so important to me to touch people’s lives through music that there is no back-up plan for my life. I continue to build my music and my career every day, whether it be through writing, or vocal lessons, or making new connections; there is always something to do to contribute to making better music.”