‘Freight Train’ is the 2nd single from Vancouver musician Lola Parks’ new album No Apologies which will be released on September 25th. ‘Freight Train’ is a musical shotgun straight to your heart, an Americana folky-blues track that warns you to check your heart at the door. The song is all about reconciliation and forgiveness, applicable both to an intimate relationship and in a wider, sociopolitical and human rights sense.

“I wrote this song when I was finally letting go of a love relationship that was over and wrong for me,” says Lola Parks. “I’d mislead myself about the person and the reality. Major self-denial. I needed to be honest with myself, let go and move forward. I think this way of thinking also works with human rights issues, especially with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC). Human rights abuses aren’t ‘done’ or ‘over’ anywhere. Violations and trauma are ongoing. We need to listen, converse, listen some more, help heal and support, and work toward collective betterment, understanding, acceptance and respect.” 

An Indigenous Canadian musical artist, Lola Parks is compelled to create, cultivate and share her art. Her mission is to give and be a voice: cultural and social brokerage through music and words. A 12th generation Canadian of Montagnais, Ukrainian, French and British ancestry, her heritage deeply influences her songwriting and music. 

Over the past 20+ years, Lola has created a fiercely independent musical history that includes 3 studio releases, many collaborations, and performing around the globe. Her 4th studio album, No Apologies (out September 25th), features the first single ‘Dreamer and previously released track ‘Hey Hey’ which has already aired on several CBC Radio programs, at the BC Culture Days 2019 opening ceremonies, and in the Talking Stick Festival 2020 promo video.

‘Freight Train’ is available now on Spotify, Apple Music/iTunes, and other digital retailers and streaming services worldwide. For more information, please visit: lolaparks.com