“He opened the door for so many, including me. He took down walls and barriers meant to divide. He became a bridge of music for music lovers who found they had way more in common than they had different. And rules and stereotypes meant to separate were taken down and opened up to the free will of the artist and fan to become one in harmony and song.”-Billy Ray Cyrus

“Like the rest of the world, I am shocked and saddened to learn about the death of Charley Pride. He and I went back to the early days of his career in 1966 when he made his first nationwide appearance as a guest on my syndicated television show. In later years, we toured together, shared music and argued baseball endlessly. I saw firsthand some of his early struggles as the first black performer in country music. My admiration for the way he handled himself during those years knows no bounds. I’ve lost a hero and a friend.” -Bill Anderson

“It’s such a sad day saying so long to Charley Pride. I’m just so thankful that I got to sing a song with him. That’s where this picture was taken. It’s supposed to be on his next album. I also narrated his ‘I’ll Be Me’ documentary. I’m so thankful for that and my heart, my love, my soul… everything goes out to Rozene and the entire Pride family because we are the biggest fans of Charley. The world is lost today. He’s one of the greatest singers of all time. We love you Charley.” -Tanya Tucker

“We’re heartbroken to hear the news about our friend Charley Pride. We toured many miles together over the years including Ireland where this photo was taken around the mid 1980s. Charley was one of the good guys. He and his music will live in our hearts forever. Rest In Peace, Charley.” -David Bellamy of The Bellamy Brothers

“Charley Pride was a true gentleman. I remember talking with him backstage about how proud he was standing up for his rights. He likened it to Rosa Parks refusing to go to the back of the bus.” -Naomi Judd 

“Charley Pride blazed trails and broke the rules. His legacy will live on in his timeless music and giving spirit for generations to come. RIP Mr. Pride” -Jamie O’Neal 

“Charley Pride was not only a country music artist, he was a legend, a patriarch to what is Country Music. I loved Charley Pride, my condolences to Rozene and the Pride family.”  -Marty Raybon of Shenandoah

A true trailblazer in country music, the first to break racial barriers and a legendary singer. So thankful that we were good friends! And to think my brother used to work on his car! Charley Pride will surely be missed by everyone who loves true country music! RIP Charley. -Gene Watson

“Charley was a dear friend, who without question, impacted my life. He gave this young kid a chance to tour the world with him even before I had a record out! It would have been impossible for him to be any more gracious. I will always be grateful to Charley for many reasons. He definitely was a pioneer, knocking down doors for so many to follow. We all owe him a debt of gratitude. My love and condolences go out to his sweet wife Rozene and the entire Pride family.” -Steve Wariner  

“Charley Pride was a global icon in music, baseball and business. He broke barriers, unprecedented at the time, and made us all realize that we have more in common than our differences. Charley was a great American and a good Christian. Perhaps one of his greatest accomplishments is his more than 60-year marriage to his lovely, devoted partner in life, his wife Rozene. As one of the producers of the ‘Charley Pride Story,’ I’ll make sure his story is not unsung to the younger generation. While Charley has left this Earth, he is now singing in the Heavenly choir.” -Dennis Quaid