Have you ever felt yourself outgrowing the place where you live? Observing how almost everyone seems to go to the same schools to get the same jobs to afford the same houses, go to the same bars every weekend, and attend the same church each Sunday morning.

Lauryn’s new song, “Nowhere Town,” was written about her experience growing up in a smaller city as an artist with bigger dreams than the city could support. She is so grateful to have been brought up in Peterborough.

There was always a stage for her and that was a comfortable feeling, but she wanted to push herself out of her comfort zone and continue to grow as an artist outside of her hometown.

She worked with producer Sam Woywitka to record this track, transforming it from its origins on the acoustic guitar by slowing the tempo and adding an angelic synth which morphs throughout the song.

Nowhere Town” is very meditative and empowering. It’s a reminder not to let other people influence what you are able to achieve and believe in. You don’t need to let the opinions of others make you feel ashamed.