The new musical project BANDAID BRIGADE from Zach Quinn (PEARS) and Brian Wahlstrom (Scorpios, Gods of Mount Olympus) along with friends Paul Rucker (Armchair Martian, Street Dogs, Drag The River) and Brendan Miller recorded a live cover and filmed a spoof of Jimi Jamison’s “I’m Always Here” which is best known as the theme song for the action drama television series Baywatch.

“It was the morning of July 4th,” recalls classically trained opera singer and pianist Brian Wahlstrom. “After extinguishing the remaining box of Franzia, Paul Rucker flipped on the TV to get everyone in the mood for our first day of band practice in over 18 months. Within minutes, we were all on the couch entranced with the pilot episode of Baywatch. After watching two seasons and an episode of the acclaimed Baywatch Nights, we finally made our way to the rehearsal space. As we were setting up, we had a long discussion about what would be the best use of our time since all of us live in entirely different parts of the country and we only had one day to practice. The unanimous decision was to forget about our set and track the song that we had been singing together earlier that morning. It just so happens, our close friend Tim had a full sound and video production setup in his car from an event the night before. It became clear that our day was to be spent making this video. We hope you enjoy this trifle of a piece!”

Bandaid Brigade’s sound is steeped in ‘80s pop and soft rock with influences ranging from ABBA to Elton John to Earth, Wind & Fire. Their debut album I’m Separate was released in January 2020 via Joey Cape’s One Week Records, which enabled them to tour the West Coast and Europe just weeks before COVID-19 paralyzed the music and entertainment industry. The gang is currently writing a new album and gearing up for their inaugural performance at The Fest in Gainesville, FL.