Montreal-based trio Afternoon Bike Ride release the lo-fi slow jam ‘Tomorrow’, featuring production from Californian beatmaker Aso. The track is taken from their upcoming self-titled debut album; a sonic hug collecting 15 tracks conveying messages of self-love, kindness, community and hope.

A tone of community and family is struck with a wealth of vocal, instrumental and production contributions across the album including Ryan Hemsworth, Middle School, Kogane, Naji, Eli Bishop, Santpoort, Sleepy Fish and Park Bird. The trio recently compiled a Monday Morning Mixtape for Stamp The Wax, featuring songs by many of their friends and collaborators on the album.

Musician-producers David Tanton (aka Rhoda/Tender Spring), Éloi Le Blanc-Ringuette (aka Thomas White), and Lia Kurihara (aka LIA) who also writes and sings for the group; met in Montreal and formed Afternoon Bike Ride in 2018. Originally intended as a creative, collaborative aside to their own solo projects (collectively they’ve amassed 100’s of millions of streams), they found the music progressing. The creative process towards the album began with the three friends on the rooftop of David’s apartment in Montreal. The warmth of life in Québec nestled in the purity of it’s winter proves to be a necessary tool in the uniqueness of this album. The engulfing warmth of their music is inspired by the lack thereof; this album is meant to kiss the coldest of hearts.