ancouver’s Alex Little & The Suspicious Minds today share their latest single “Across the City”. “Across the City” is available now on all music services via Light Organ Records.

Listen/Share: Alex Little & The Suspicious Minds “Across the City”

“”Across the City” is a memoir of growing up in Vancouver,” explains Alex Little. “I had the privilege of living in many neighbourhoods in the city (Commercial Drive, Mount Pleasant, Kerrisdale, Chinatown, West End, Hastings Sunrise) which came to be parts of me in their own way.”

“Still residing here, I get overwhelmed by how much each street reminds me of a story from my childhood and adulthood – no matter what area I’m in. It makes day to day tasks more interesting but also harder, as some things are painful to be reminded of. However, I wouldn’t have it any other way. It just makes Vancouver ripe for stories, memories, and emotions.”

Alex Little & The Suspicious Minds comprises of Little, Andy Bishop (White Ash Falls, Twin River), Cody Hiles (The Zolas), and bassist Mike Rosen. Little previously played in bands as a drummer, and when she picked up a guitar, she reached out to her friend Andy Bishop (White Ash Falls, Twin River) to teach her a few tricks.  Songs began pouring out of them, and drummer Cody Hiles (The Zolas) and bassist Mike Rosen got involved.

Known for their garage-pop songs that unflinchingly tackle drug addiction, mental health and heartbreak and yet, despite the heavy subject matter, the group’s soaring choruses and loud guitars mean that the mood is cathartic rather than heavy with a sound that blends searing distortion with aching pop hooks and a psychedelic wash of reverb.