Following on from last year’s Among The Faceless Crowd, South Carolina-raised, Georgia-based singer-songwriter Ben Bostick is set to self-release his new album Grown Up Love on August 20th. Bostick’s Grown Up Love is an album that grew out of necessity and love. In February 2020 Bostick welcomed his second daughter into the world. Not only did they move across the country with a newborn baby, right before the world caught fire last year and work dried up. But they also found out in that Spring, that their older daughter, Carmela, was losing abilities she previously had. 

In July, Carmela was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome, a rare and severe genetic disorder that affects all aspects of her life. In the midst of these global and personal trials, Bostick abandoned an album of portraits and penned a collection of love songs to help his wife and him endure this most challenging time. The songs on Grown Up Love are born from the experience of a couple that has been through the fire.

Today sees the release of the album single ‘Lucky Us‘ on which Ben says:

“I wrote this song just a few weeks before we received Carmela’s diagnosis. We didn’t know why she was acting so differently from a typical toddler. During the regression phase of Rett Syndrome, Carmela was extremely irritable and emotionally unpredictable. Every day was a struggle. We were also struggling for money, since all my shows dried up during the pandemic. But I knew complaining and wallowing in our adversity wouldn’t help, so I wrote this song as an affirmation. I honestly didn’t think much of the song at the time, because it was so simple, but I was part of a virtual songwriting group at the time, and when I played it for the group, several people broke down crying. I had never seen that in a jaded songwriting group before, so I figured I might have a good tune. But then a few weeks later we got Carmela’s diagnosis, and I couldn’t bare to think of this song. It took me months until I could consider ourselves lucky again. Performing this song is difficult, and I struggle to get through it without tears.”