Braids is thrilled to start 2021 with a brand-new “Young Buck” remix from renowned New York-based DJ Python. The lead single from their most recent album Shadow Offering was widely acclaimed by fans and media when it was released a year ago. DJ Python’s take on the track is hypnotic, throbbing and intoxicating. Electronic modulations of Raphaelle’s voice project the listener to an out of comfort, new dimension where Braids is suddenly dominating the dancefloor. Amid this year-long pandemic struggle, it is time to reclaim dancing and expressing ourselves.

“Upon receiving DJ Python’s remix of our track Young Buck, my pining for the dance floor kicked in,” explains Braids. “I pulled my car over to an empty parking lot and turned the volume up as far as it could go. Alone beside the concrete barriers of a now desolate shopping mall, I was reminded of bodies beside bodies, of a night that you never want to end, of sweat, of joy. For a moment I was transported from my new and uncomfortable reality: distanced, living through a pandemic, to memories streaming behind my closed eyes, of a life lived prior, and one that will be lived again. This track offers the fuel needed to keep going, the energy needed to stay hopeful. When I close my eyes and dance to it in my living room, I am at the club and the club is with me.”

Python is a renowned DJ from Queens, New York with South American roots and who was raised in Miami. His latest album Mas Amable came out last spring to rave reviews. “Music is just moods to me,” Python explains. “When I sit down and make music, I’m feeling something and then I just try to translate it into sounds. It’s like a conversation with the self. I like sounds that are a bit more whispery, or not as aggressively telling you exactly what to think or feel.” (Pitchfork).

Braids most recent album Shadow Offering co-produced by Chris Walla, is out now via Secret City Records. A luscious and expansive release, Shadow Offering leads us through a sonic tapestry of narrative. With heartbreaking honesty and precision, listeners traverse a nuanced and complicated world: one full of beautiful contradictions. Braids in currently in the studio writing new material.