With her new single “Chaos,” Montreal’s Chloe Florence looks to knock down stereotypes. As a staunch proponent of female empowerment, Chloe sees the song as a necessary and timely reminder of the pervasive double standards that continue unabated in today’s day and age.

Opening with a series of simple guitar notes, “Chaos” is anchored by Chloe’s smooth, distinct vocal style, incorporating elements of modern R&B and pop throughout.

At the heart of “Chaos” is a realization by the song’s protagonist that despite the stability and safe space a relationship can provide, it doesn’t stop the thrill of being attracted to someone else and fantasizing about a new and different experience with another person.

“I wrote this song as a way to understand an intense attraction I had towards another person while being in a relationship, trying to accept that it’s natural for relationships to fizzle out and to be curious about other people,” she says. “The song is me fantasizing about being with someone else because the current relationship I was in felt too comfortable and too simple like I wasn’t able to fully be myself. When I began taking into account who I saw myself becoming and where I wanted to end up, I instinctively knew the relationship would not be able to last.”

That realization didn’t come easily to Chloe because the process dictated that she’d have to break her current partner’s heart. Despite feeling it was the right and necessary move, it was ultimately an emotionally unpleasant experience.

“Doja Cat has a song called ‘You Right’ where these kinds of thoughts are conveyed as being completely natural and human, which they are. For me, “Chaos” is about having and enjoying these feelings without being villainized.

“Chaos” follows Chloe’s 2021 EP Ego Pleaser, the five songs from which have racked up more than a quarter-million streams. And while she previously explored themes of female empowerment on tracks like “Bonnie No Clyde” and “Scarlet Letter”, her confidence and resolve shines through on “Chaos”.