“Under The Blue Of The Moon” is a grooving new single, released alongside her debut solo album, Circle Zero. After touring extensively with her band RALEIGH, she reset, and decided to embark on a more personal journey as a solo artist.

The song is a response to the experience of living through a period of impending global doom. This song youthfully toys with the idea of a future beyond the apocalypse, simultaneously dire, but also carrying a carefree liberty beyond the dissolved conventions of human structures. There is an acknowledgement that we are beyond hope, but this knowledge instills a surprising freedom…The conception of the record Circle Zero came at a challenging moment in my life. I went through an intense period of loss, while being forced to transition from the home I had built, my job, and the musical career I had established with my long term partner. My debut solo record acknowledges this darkness, but also makes a point to focus on moments of beauty. I hope that people listen, and experience the joy and hope I aim to convey, regardless of the challenges of the world we live in.