Atlanta based alt-pop trio Forrest Isn’t Dead premiered a video for their single Here We Are today. The track is available today via the band’s new home, Madison Records – stream it via your favorite digital platform.

Led by lyricist/vocalist Forrest Kleindienst and guitarist Matt Forrester Vassy, the group took on the name Forrest Isn’t Dead to represent feeling alive, and their love for life, while fighting through the challenges it brings.

Discussing the single, Kleindienst stated, “‘Here We Are’ is a song that came very naturally. When we first played it in practice, the melodies and words completely flowed out and we immediately knew we had something special. The lyrics are a reflection of the relationship struggle between my father and me. I don’t hold any negative feelings or regret towards him, as everyone has to deal with their choices in their own way. I did learn that you can’t control how people treat you, but you can control how much power you let them have over you.”

Growing up in a broken home with limited resources, Kleindienst found refuge in music and skateboarding, which helped play a major role in developing his feelings about life and love. To help deal with addictions and adversity in his life, he dove head first into writing music, learning to play drums, guitar, piano and hone his voice.

My mom had to work full time to take care of the two of us,” Kleindienst adds. “After school I would either spend my time skateboarding or just locked in my room to get away from everything. I would then work on music, which kept me out of trouble most of the time; while giving me something to look forward to.”

Artists such as The Cure, The Smiths, and Modest Mouse were big influences on his creative direction but battling adversity, and overcoming his own challenges were a benchmark towards shaping the person he is today, and the music he writes.

Forrest sums it up, “I came up with the name ‘Forrest Isn’t Dead’ partly because my name is Forrest and Matt’s middle name is Forrester; but also, because I’m still alive through all that life has thrown at me. Music and creating is mostly what has kept me alive.”