The singer songwriter is taking a new musical direction since moving on from the CCMA-nominated country-pop duo Leaving Thomas. The duo accumulated over 6 million career streams and was nominated for multiple CCMA Awards and placed top 3 in SiriusXM’s Top of The Country Competition. I Really Don’t Want To is a heavy-hitting musical jam with a message of empowerment while at the same time, describing the intoxicating, impossible to understand feeling of falling in love. Lucky fans will get a double dose of music as ANNIKA will also be releasing ‘It Still Hurts’ as a “twingle” – two singles released on the same date. ‘It Still Hurts’ outlines the painful, often lengthy healing process required after a love goes wrong. 

Please take a moment and give us some background info about becoming an artist?
My parents always instilled in me a love (and discipline) for music since I was young.  At the age of four, I began taking piano and violin lessons, and then eventually began taking singing lessons when I was 10 years old.  In addition to private lessons, group classes, orchestras, and choirs, I also loved being on stage as an actor, participating in as many productions as I could. Throughout my teen years, I dreamed of being a Broadway star!  However, my vocal range was very low and I learned quickly that I would have to write my own songs if I wanted to sing music that fit my unique voice!  So, I started writing songs when I was 13.  Fast forward a few years and I was on Season 5 of Canadian Idol at the age of 16, travelled the world as a piano bar entertainer on cruise ships when I was 21, and eventually joined the Canadian Country music industry when my good friend, Bryton and I started the duo, Leaving Thomas!  After five years of focusing on the Leaving Thomas project, I am now here, promoting my first, full length, solo album!

Leaving Thomas seemed to have a lot of promise, what happened?
It was so much fun writing, recording, and performing songs with one of my best friends for several years.  Leaving Thomas was a wonderful music project that helped me grow as an artist (and I loved having a partner-in-crime through it all).  We started the project in 2014 when both of us were in our early 20s, and as life changed for both of us (Bryton and I both got married, had other businesses we were running etc.), Bryton eventually came to the conclusion that his heart was calling him to a career outside of music, focusing on his marketing company that he was developing.  As much as I loved performing with Bryton, as his friend, I wanted to support him in his new career endeavour as that’s where he wanted to spend his time and effort.  We are still great friends, and I definitely miss having him next to me on this journey, but I am so happy that he is doing what he loves and I still have the ability to pursue music in this new chapter.

Tell us a bit about your musical direction.
It has been a long journey figuring out exactly “who I am as an artist” and honestly, I think part of being an artist is that it’s always changing.  However, I have felt completely unrestricted and free during the past year, creating the music and being part of the recording and production process.  I feel that the songs I’m releasing truly reflect who I am as a woman, right now, in this moment.  I am really excited that we were able to blend soulful vocals, heartfelt melodies, and at the heart of it, keep all the great things about country music which is the art of storytelling.  I think the songs are on the “fringes” of country and whether someone is a country fan or not, I think there may be a song, a lyric, or a melody that resonates with any listener. 

Tell us about the recording process behind I Really Don’t Want To
We recorded this song at OCL Studios in Langdon, AB.  Spencer Cheyne, my husband produced the song (as well as the entire record) and I was so excited to see the process take place.  I was mostly excited because although we had an idea of what direction we wanted the song to go in, when the musicians got in the room, they just let loose and it turned into a musical jam!  Hence, why the song is so long! I didn’t want to cut out any of their amazing instrumental parts.  The song took on a new direction when the band started to play and the result is a relatively untouched version of the song.  I love it because there is an energy to the song that reminds me of being at a live show.  And I think during Covid, that energy is always welcome!

Are any shows upcoming to showcase your talent?
I have a few private events that I have booked in the next few months but no plans for an in-person concert due to the COVID restrictions right now.  However, as soon as it’s possible, I can’t WAIT to be back on stage singing these new tunes!

What is the biggest struggle for you as a musician at the moment?
My favourite part of being an artist is performing, so not having that outlet has been difficult.  It’s especially difficult to share new music when you can’t get out there and play for people, but I am hoping that is somewhere in the near future!

How have you been keeping creative during the Pandemic?
Fortunately, being married to my producer, I am always being encouraged to write, record, and be creative.  The pandemic allowed me the time and space to write, record, and do the proper preparation work for a professional release as an independent artist.  I have enjoyed coming up with creative ways to get music out to people because the normal channels such as live shows, touring, and festivals are not an option right now.  I am happy that I have still been able to be productive despite the pandemic.

What are your plans for the rest of 2021?
Well, in my personal life, my husband and I are currently expecting our first baby to arrive in July of 2021!  So along with releasing new music into the world, we will also be welcoming a little one this summer.  We could not be more excited!

Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with in particular?
There are lots of artists I admire as both writers and performers.  I think my #1 choice for a collaboration would be John Mayer.  I think it would be amazing to co-write together and then have a jam session – him on the guitar, me on the piano, see what we come up with!

When you kick back who are some of the artists you listen to?
My favourite artist of all time is Stevie Wonder.  It doesn’t matter where or when, but when I turn on his music I am instantly happy.  I also love to listen to great songwriters like Fatai, Lori Mckenna, Donovan Woods, and Adam Hambrick.