Jennie is releasing her debut single “Blame It On Me” on July 23rd via all streaming platforms. The track was co-written by Jennie, Sam Jackson Willows and Joseph W. Salusbury (Joseph of Mercury) and Sam Jackson Willows (Ruby Waters, Dragonette) also produced “Blame It On Me”. The project caught the ear of music industry A&R veteran Fraser Hill (Serena Ryder, James Barker Band, Iskwe) who worked with Jennie on the song and will also A&R her debut E.P.

She took a moment out of her busy schedule to answer some of our questions.

How have you been keeping creative during the Pandemic?
In a funny way I think covid finally gave me the time and space I needed to find my creativity and passions again. I started two businesses, an online clothing boutique ( and a photography business @jennieharlukphotography on Instagram. Alongside these, I got to take a step back and look at who I really wanted to be with music. I started working with incredible producers and writing tons and tons of songs. I graduated in 2020 and so out of highschool I was so happy to finally thrive in my own environment where I could focus on myself and my art! 

Please take a moment and give us some background info about yourself as an artist?
I’ve been singing for as long as I can remember and writing music since I was 10. When I was 11 I was a part of The Young Canadians of The Calgary Stampede for one year and it was such a fun and incredible experience, I met one of my best friends in TYC. But being a part of a large musical group like that solidified my love for solo performance. So I continued writing and singing on my own, performing around Calgary and travelling to Vancouver and Nashville to write and record with many talented industry people! I grew up loving and listening to country, but have found my own sound influenced by pop and alternative. I think between my country story telling lyrical background and working with modern pop and new sounding producers, my journey in music shines through in each song I write! 

How would you describe the music that you typically create?
I’d call it a unique blend of pop alternative, pop folk and singer songwriter. I always find it so cool and appreciative when people compare me to Stevie Nicks as she’s a musical inspiration of mine, so maybe a modern day Stevie Nicks kinda vibe! 

Describe your music in three words?
Truth, clever, blended 

Tell us about the recording process behind “Blame It On Me”
Now this is cool. I physically recorded the song at OCL Studios in Calgary. Josh Gwilliam, a producer from Calgary who I worked with on previous songs sat in on the session and helped with mic’s, sound and physically recording the song. The cool part though, was that we pretty much “phone called” in Jackson Willows and Joseph of Mercury to direct and listen in on the recording. So I had both them and Josh in my ear listening to points and ideas and everything while I recorded the song. We recorded both Blame it on Me and a second song that day, I believe it was a nine hour recording day and I was definitely beat by the end of it but it was so so fun and it’s incredible what technology can do – it allowed all of us to “be together” from different provinces while I recorded! 

Co-writing with Jackson Willows and Joseph Of Mercury must have been a blast.
Oh they’re always a blast. We’ve got such a fun vibe together and I absolutely love writing with both of them. I feel like whenever I write with them I have a feeling of “ah there I am” and my best writing comes out in sessions with them! 

What was the inspiration behind your new single?
I think I was in the midst of feeling a lot of burnout from relationships with friends and people in my life from highschool and just in general. Being a people pleaser and peace keeper sometimes gets tiring and I’d been feeling let down and discouraged. I think Blame it on Me came out as a “comeback song” to make myself feel good, unapologetic and happy to be exploring new parts of myself, new relationships and experiences! We wanted a fun and driving song that also had truth and depth to it, and I feel it portrays me perfectly! 

Who helped out making this single?
So many wonderful people and brains and hearts went into this song. Of course Jackson Willows and Joseph of Mercury, Dan Kurtz jumped in at the end for some insight on lyrics, Fraser Hill my A&R rep pushed for this song to be the single and helped out on Mixing and Mastering insight, Sam Pickard and her team at Strut Entertainment have been wonderful in gearing up socially and media wise for the release, of course my parents have been there for every step of the way, my best friends have heard it from the first demo to the master version, my great friend Isabella Morton directed and shot the music video alongside me … there’s so many!  It takes a village and I definitely have a great one that I’m very thankful for! 

With the single coming out, what are your plans for the rest of 2021?
Continue to write music! I love creating. But above just the music, I love being hands on on all the marketing and visuals and creative/visual side of releasing music. I’d love to explore more into film and videography, digital marketing and more. But ultimately, I’m excited to constantly be meeting new people and friends who speak my musical language, coming together to write and record songs that really mean something! 

What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?
As cheesy as it is, I think when words fail music speaks and that’s why I write. Every single song I write has an aspect of truth from my life, some drastically more than others but each one comes from my heart and when I see others resonate with that, it makes me feel heard, and it’s a cool thing watching people relate to your heart. 

Is there a moment or memory in your life as a musician that you always want to hold onto? 
Shooting the music video for Blame It On Me has been one of my biggest highlights. It was a massive project to take on, but I knew in my heart I needed to do it and I did it alongside my best friends. I remember looking at Izzy (Isabella Morton) who also shot my single art and press photos and I jokingly said “you should just film my music video” and she sort of gave me a look, and I gave one back, and we smiled and it was off from there! We put it all together, planned every second, made the set and props and invited three more of my closest friends to help out with absolutely everything. They were all troopers. We were there until 3am and it was just such an experience and I feel so proud and happy about what we created. It turned out exactly how I had it in my head, and I’m so excited for everyone to see it! 

Or a moment that has taught you a lot?
Not to double back but I think the entire music video process taught me so much. Even before it started, it definitely took some convincing to a few of my team members (rightfully so)! Of course it would sound like a gamble when I came and said “I actually want to do this by myself with my friend on our own”! This being my first single and video, my team wanted everything to be as great as possible and I appreciate that so much – the safe option would be to go with a production company that has filmed multiple videos and knows the process. But in my heart I felt that I wasn’t creatively clicking with anyone, and I was so in tune and set on what I had in my head, and I just knew Izzy and I were on the same wavelength with my vision. So I stood my ground and asked for trust, and it ended up being the best decision. Because at the end of the day, at least it was my decision. Even if not every person resonates with the video, it’s a beautiful representation of how much I love and care for this song and my creativity and everything in between!  

Do you have more new music scheduled to come out this year?
I do! As I mentioned I recorded another song the same day as Blame It On Me and I’m ecstatic for it to be released as well. It’s definitely a song that is closest to my heart and I’m just so eager for everyone to hear it! After that, who knows! It’s all up to the people who listen and if they like what they hear!

When you kick back, who are some of the artists you listen to?
Currently I love JP Saxe. His writing is so incredible and he’s definitely an artist where I listen to some of his songs and think “damn I should have thought of that!” Haha! 
I mostly listen to music when I’m driving and I tend to leave it on my country channel so whatever the Highway is playing! 

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?
I love photography, during the pandemic I started a photography business and an online clothing boutique so I love the creative business side of things. Graphic design and digital marketing are so interesting to me as well as art! Creativity inspires me and so anything that I can get my hands on and put inspiration into really excites me! 

Final comments or shout-outs?
I’m so excited for this song to be out in the world, it’s crazy how much goes on behind the scenes before the release but it’s incredible & all worth it when that clock strikes 12am on July 23rd! A big thanks to the tons of people involved in this song and my musical journey, I’m very lucky to have people who are as excited about my dreams as I am. Thanks again so much for all of your questions! 

Twitter: @jennieharlukmu1
Facebook: /jennieharlukmusic
Instagram: @jennieharlukmusic
TikTok: @jennieharluk