”Care Free” is the debut EP by Swedish alternative rock group Omni of Halos. A 4 track explosion of noisy pop music derived from skewed, guitar-driven melodies, topped with the rich sounds of pedal steel.

Your debut EP was revealed a few weeks ago. Are you happy with the response? What seems to be the thing that people like the most about it?

We are super happy with the response. People seem to like You suck a lot and I get that, it has a real catchy vibe to it

Omni of Halos started as a solo project. Then it turned into a full band. How did it happen? Did this change the way music is composed and produced?

My hope from the start was to put something together with other people, but I didn’t know it was going to become a band. I need the input and influence from others to not get sick of my own ideas. Things really, really took a turn when my old friend and producer John Angello got involved, that increased the productivity with 1000%

Do you usually take your time to write songs or it’s a quick process? Do you write music first or lyrics first?

The songs usually comes to me by just picking up the guitar, at least parts of them. Then it’s just a matter of what mood that I’m in that will decide how the song will end up. And usually the riff it self gives me an hint of what the lyrics is going to be all about 

What are the most common mistakes you think people make when it comes to write music? What do you do to avoid them?

I think the worst you could do is over thinking, and making it too hard on yourself. You need to put your heart into it and make it personal. And something that’s really hard because sometimes I feel like I’m giving away a piece of myself and inner darkness, and who would want to listen to that ? Fuck it ! Now I’m over thinking again.

If you were to describe your band to someone who never heard of it, what would you tell them? What would you compare your song to?

We do an  indie rock medley with all 90’s favorite songs combined in one.

You worked with Viagra Boys frontman Sebastian Murphy for the artwork of the album. How did this happen? 

He’s an old friend, and we both work as Tattooers. I’ve seen his art since he first started tattooing and I have always been in love with it and him, he’s a really nice guy!

What is the best thing and what is the worst thing about the music industry in Sweden? And what about the DIY world in your Country? Is it still alive and strong?

I just hate everything when it becomes so called industry but I love the DIY and grass root scene. I hate when people are doing what they are doing for the fame . We do what we do because we love playing music . There’s a ton of new bands popping up here in Sweden ,and I think there’s going to be even more now after people come out from lockdowns and being sick of how the world looks today.

//Henrik Hjelt Röstberg GCT