With a powerful voice as unforgettable as her name, Shantaia has opened for some of Nashville’s biggest names such as; Kane Brown, Chris Lane, Ryan Hurd, Emerson Drive, Charlie Major and more. The 2019 SCMA Emerging Artist of the year released her comeback single “I Wish You Would” in early 2020 which amassed over 100,000 streams on Spotify in less than a month, hit 69 on Mediabase charts, 72 on BDS, had radio play in the United States and now is onward to 350k streams on Spotify alone. She followed up with her debut EP Chapter One, and the radio release “Two Cents” has since garnered over 200k Spotify streams. Chapter One is currently nominated for the SCMA Album/EP of the Year, with “Two Cents” earning Shantaia and co-writer Ryan Sorestad a Songwriter of the Year nomination.

Please take a moment and give us some background info about becoming an artist?
Well, My parents put me in singing lessons at the age of 3, and I can honestly say it all just spiraled from there! Started with Piano as an instrument, and then found a love for guitar and jumped ship. Haha. I really feel like being an artist and a songwriter is in my blood and I was made to do this!

Tell us a bit about your musical direction.
I like all kinds of music, but mainly grew up listening to Country. Martina and Shania to name a couple. But I also listened to a lot of pop, and my brothers rock music, so i’ve been inspired and influenced by quite a few different sounds. I never want to be stuck in a box, but musically right now, I’m definitely headed in a pop country vibe!

Tell us all about your new single “Had A Good Weekend”
“Had A Good Weekend” is such a fun, upbeat, feel good tune. From the moment Ryan Sorestad and I wrote it, I knew it was made for radio and needed to be out in the world as soon as I found the right team to help me bring it to life. Grady Saxman and his team truly cranked it up to 11 with the band and production! I’m so excited that everyone is loving it as much as I do!

The video looks like it was a lot of fun to shoot.
It was! Everyone involved had a BLAST (and maybe a tad too much to drink haha) but I think we created something really special and I owe it all to fellow Canadian Ryan Nolan who is a brilliant director and producer and absolutely nailed this out of the park!

What is the biggest struggle for you as a musician at the moment?
Covid has really made it hard to tour and make money from live shows, so I would say that’s one of the major struggles I am facing as a musician right now.

How have you been keeping creative during the Pandemic?
I’ve been writing a ton of music during the pandemic. When it first hit, I was zoom writing almost every day, and when I moved to Nashville, I continued to zoom write as well as write in person and record new music! I feel I’ve been very busy getting creative during this pandemic!

What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?
The whole creation process! How you can write a song, and then produce the song in any way you like, and make it become something so much bigger than it started out to be! And then after releasing the music, seeing how people relate or feel listening to it is SUCH a pay off. It’s like we get to make people happy for a living!

What’s ahead for Shantaia?
More music!!! I’m hoping to get back into the studio as soon as possible and can’t wait to share more with the world! If Covid allows, I hope to come home this summer and play some small outdoor shows and see family I haven’t seen in a long time!

Is there anyone you would like to collaborate with in particular?
I have a few! Maren Morris, Brett Eldrege and of course my childhood hero, Martina Mcbride!

When you kick back, who are some of the artists you listen to?
Lately my kick back music has been anything by Emily Weisband! I absolutely love her sound and her lyrics are fascinating!

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of music?
I love to ride horseback and have a horse of my own, as well as get in any sort of physical activity on a daily basis! Lifting weights, going for outdoor runs, hikes! If music didn’t take up most of my time, I’m sure I would be on a rec volleyball, basketball and slow pitch team (or any sport really!)