NYC-based alternative pop trio JANUARY JANE are proud to announce their newest EP Your Drug, which be will released on June 8, 2021 via Whiskey Vinyl/BMG. In addition, the band has released their new single “Versions of You,” which is available now on all DSPs. January Jane’s neon-drenched take on both modern and ’80s-influenced pop/rock is on full display throughout the EP, featuring uplifting tracks with big booming choruses. Your Drug can also be pre-ordered here.

“This EP is like a medley of all of our experiences in NYC and beyond,” explains guitarist Mitch C. Mitchell about the recording process for Your Drug. “We recorded some of the album in our ‘clubhouse’ in Midtown, Manhattan, some in Brooklyn, and some in LA. Next time around, we’ll try to record in all five boroughs.. but every space has its own energy, so we really try to utilize that in a metaphysical way, of course.” When talking about the specific meaning of “Versions Of You,” he adds, “There is this insane but true premise in Quantum Physics which states that by simply watching, the observer affects the reality of what is being observed. We are always changing and changing everything around us. So who do you want to be? Which version of yourself do you show others? That’s what the song is about.”

“The recording process for ‘Versions Of You’ is quite the story in itself,” adds lead vocalist/lyricist Pat Via. “I started writing the lyrics a while ago when I saw a woman on the train looking at photos of herself. The images were all different in style and clothing and that helped spark the start of the story. She seemed sad with how they looked, and it made me think of how with so many versions of ourselves, it’s hard to find the one that makes us happy. I laid the beat and bass line in a demo in our studio and Mitch came in and laid the guitar riff down. I was listening to a lot of new wave at the time so an 808 drum machine was used. Peter added keys and we finished the production in Brooklyn in the fall [in the midst of the pandemic], masks and all.”

“Ultimately, we’re doing our small part to spread a little excitement and joy around the world. If we can also help promote Quantum Physics, then even better!” laughs Mitchell when talking about what they hope listeners take away from Your Drug. “We really put a lot of love into this EP, so if you like love, you’ll probably enjoy this as well.”

“The songs on this EP introduce the incredible talents, and combination of Mitch Mitchell’s riffs and melodies with Pat Via’s powerfully emotive vocals,” adds legendary musicologist/KLOS DJ Matt Pinfield (who signed January Jane to his Whiskey Vinyl label). “The infectious grooves on these tracks display their influences and love for ’80s rock and pop while sounding undeniably modern and perfect for the ’20s.”

Pinfield was also instrumental in the selection of “Versions Of You” as the lead single, as Mitchell explains: “Imagine being at a table with all your favorite foods. What do you eat first? Luckily, for us, the myth, the legend, the voice, Matt Pinfield, selected ‘Versions Of You’ for our first tasting. Matt has been with us from the very beginning, and we’ve been blessed to have spent enough time with him to know that he knows what’s up.”