Kristine Leschper releases a video for “Blue,” a standout from her debut solo album, The Opening, Or Closing of a Door, out now via ANTI-. Of the track and video Leschper says: “There’s a disconnect between the music and lyrics, probably because the original demo of this song sounded like a medieval funeral dirge. So the words still have an unsettling quality, but the musical backdrop eventually morphed into this sexy disco track; I like the push and pull of that, it feels like the dissonance between adds a complexity to both elements. Sharleen Chidiac is a masterful choreographer, she was the glue that held this piece together. You can see how the professional dancers embody the smooth music, whereas my character is more representative of the uneasiness in the lyrics. Jake Lazovick was incredible to work with as always, the end result grappling with and emphasizing the uncanniness of it all, as if in a dream.”

Kristine Leschper has also announced a record release show at Philadelphia’s Johnny Brenda’s on April 9th with support from Kassie Krut.