Today, Chicago’s very own Michelles release their highly-anticipated new album The Empty Promises of Rock and Roll.  Along with the release, Michelles has also shared a visual companion to the track “Magical Thinking.”“The video for ‘Magical Thinking’ came together in the darkest days of the pandemic, with everyone trapped inside and unable to do collaborative work,” says Michelles’ primary visionary, Michael Daly“I’d seen a lot of found footage type videos that managed to convey new ideas when they were decoupled from their original sources, so I started fishing around for something that piqued my interest.  Two short films from the early seventies stood out, and with a bit of editing it turned into a little story about escaping from our increasingly banal realities.  The song itself was written before everything went to hell, but it all of a sudden had a disturbing prescience, referring to the desire to substitute your own reality despite all evidence to the contrary, and the sometimes detrimental effects of news and information overload.”

“Magical Thinking” follows Michelles’ previous singles “Not Gonna Get It”, and the album’s lead single “Illusions.” The Empty Promises of Rock and Roll marks the first collection of new music Michelles has released since 2017’s critically lauded album, Dark As A Daisy.