Photos and review by Natalie Mason – As soon as the gates opened, the crowd which included many groups of friends entered the festival excited for music, art, side quests and more. Each year there are new installations, different artists, different musical artists, and many of the familiar favourites. Electric Forest is a unique and special festival that excites the mind and soul. The decorations are incredible but so are all the outfits worn by the attendees. There is no judgement in the forest; just be yourself. 

While there are many artists to go see, I’ve included some images of sets I really enjoyed.  Maddy O’Neal played a great set at Sherwood Court as her sign language interpreter shared the music through sign so that all could enjoy. Stay tuned for an interview with Maddy and more photos from her other sets during the weekend. Levity was back at Honeycomb at the same set time as last year when they played for the very first time at Electric Forest. Since that set last year, they have become very popular and this year was so incredibly crowded at Honeycomb. The crowd was intense with excitement and there was barely room to dance but that didn’t stop anyone.  Demi Levato was an absolute joy to watch and to listen to. She moved around the stage with grace and beauty. 

PLUR stands for Peace, Love, Unity and Respect. That feeling is part of what makes Electric Forest so special. Forest patrons care about each other and making everyone’s experience special. From trading kandi (bracelets) and gifting little trinkets or even offering to help carry something, so many little gestures come together to make Electric Forest a truly beautiful place.