Photos and review by Mariah Reilly – On September 12, 2023, at the Buffalo Riverworks, it felt like 2007 all over again. Emo veterans The Used took the stage, supported by Dead American and Sleeping with Sirens, as part of their Toxic Positivity tour.

First up was Dead American, fronted by Cove Reber, of Saosin notoriety. The band’s sound is a drastic departure from Reber’s previous body of work, channeling post hardcore over the emo rock he is previously known for. They seemed to be unfamiliar to the crowd, but despite that, the audience was engaged, with Reber noting, “You have no idea who we are, but you’re still grooving with us.” 

Second on the bill were Florida metalcore darlings, Sleeping with Sirens. The band moved energetically around the stage, jumping and head banging, even climbing on the speakers at one point, with vocalist Kellin Quinn as their ringmaster, instigating the crowd’s high energy. They covered a wide range of their catalog, performing “Bloody Knuckles” and “Crosses,” off of their most recent release, as well as songs off of three other of their six releases, including fan favorite, “If I’m James Dean, You’re Audrey Hepburn.” 

With a career spanning twenty-three years, The Used are no strangers to performing, and it shows. Beyond their contagious energy levels and impressive stage presence, their musicality is watertight, with live versions of the songs performed to a t, or better, at times. They started the set off with a bang with “Pretty Handsome Awkward.” Within the attendees, there was a clear split between “elder emos,” fans who were part of the 2000’s-2010’s emo revival, and the newer wave of Gen Z fans, introduced to the genre through TikTok. The Used catered to their elder fans, performing songs from their early catalog for almost three-quarters of the set, including “All That I’ve Got,” and “A Box Full of Sharp Objects.” Still, the newer crowd didn’t seem bothered, as the set was received well by all, with many singing along at the top of their lungs. The set concluded with a confetti cannon, showering hearts over everyone, reflecting the mood of the room accurately, as old and new fans came together through their love for the music.