Skye Wallace is what happens when a trained singer with folk roots discovers punk rock in their youth and creates the rock & roll show you’ve always wanted. Wallace’s new self-titled album embodies Canadiana. From living on BC’s west coast, to spending time at residencies from Norris Point, Newfoundland to Dawson City, Yukon, the Toronto-based artist has been inspired by every corner of the country. However, it’s not just geography that informs her sound – her lyrics are often based on Canadian history, sharing the struggles and stories of the past. But this doesn’t result in nostalgic sounding music – her lyrics may have roots in folk, but musically they branch out into so much more. From delicate ballads to grungy rock and roll, the new album is sometimes moving, sometimes frenetic, sometimes straight-up unrestrained. With a voice that effortlessly floats between sultry purrs to powerful yelps, and a band that takes you from somber lows to raucous highs, listening to Skye Wallace will take you on a journey that is not to be missed.