Death of Death’s newest single gets released today. Formerly the lead singer and guitarist of Boyfromthecrowd, Vincent Dusk says – Death Of Death was born out of the first UK lockdown. While it was a challenging time, Vincent felt the urge to create: “The drive to create and explore the light madness from being confined to a room day after day is strong. Music gets written. New ways of collaborating between musicians arise.”

The lead singer of Death of Death describes the new project in the following way:

“Death of Death is the phoenix rising from the ashes of its funeral pyre with renewed youth, the never-ending quest for eternal life, the inevitable symbiosis between organic matter, microchips and artificial intelligence in the quest of a better, stronger, more efficient version of who we are.”

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For Dusk, Death of Death has become a new way of interacting with fans all over the world, exploring new sounds, song structures and engaging with technology. He comments on the upcoming plans by stating that Death of Death will release a single every month over the course of 2022, each supported by video premieres

Sally is setting the tone to the Death Of Death experience and to what’s to come. Romantic and lyrical, with distorted bluesy landscapes met with driving synth and unexpected tempo changes, Sally is hypnotic, danceable and with a deep undertone of longing. The melancholy from the minor key in the verses is blown away by a hugely pleasing hook in the choruses, keeping the listener engaged, wondering & wanting more.