“Mind ya’ head there’s a tune coming in! We have LOVED writing and recording our latest single Back In Time and cannot wait to unleash it to the world! Getting the awesome support from some massive DJs like Charlie hedges from Radio 1, has been a huge boost for us coming out of lockdown. We have coupled this with a monster remix package with some of the top DJs in the game right now. Really looking forward to putting this into our live show and seeing some great reactions already! Back in time has that reminiscent feel good vibe that reminds us of all the positive things in life and gives us momentum to look towards a better future. Hope is the name and hope is the game! Best is yet to come!”

LZ7 is on a quest to perpetuate music that bypasses the intellect and speaks straight to the soul with their infectious melodies, huge drops and back to back anthems. From the start, LZ7 has kept a relevance and honesty about their music, which comes from a heart that sees the best in young people. The band draws on experiences from their own lives which gives the listener a deeper perspective of where they come from, what they are all about and where they are heading with their music. With their infectious melodies, huge drops and back-to-back anthems, LZ7 knows how to rock a crowd at their live show. Rock a crowd is just what they did all the way through lockdown with thousands turning up online to their livestream events called ILLUMINATE LIVE. Coupled with a number of brand new single releases the band have seen some amazing streaming numbers and UK dance chart Top 5 placements on their anthems Sound Of The Weekend, Won’t Run Out, Gettin’ Wild and Only Hope feat. Stacey Skeete of the Kingdom Choir that sang at the Royal wedding of Harry and Meghan. 2021′ release of the new single Together with Paul Oakenfold and subsequent follow up releases with the likes of Charlie Hedges at R1 see’s LZ7 picking up momentum towards their new album project HUMAN set to be released early 2022. There are some new faces to the line up and a sound that is set to shift and break boundaries for these guys.