For many artists, creation from one’s life experience is a constant whisper beckoning them to share their stories through their chosen medium. In the case of Los Angeles recording artist Nate Smith, the opportunity to peer through the window into his soul comes in the form of the new album, Blue.

Lead single from that album is the beautiful “Carl Jung.” The protagonist appears to be ruminating over a lost love. It’s been quite a while. But he still has a box of her belongings on a shelf. He doesn’t open it often. But finds comfort in knowing it’s there. It’s a moving tribute to those unable to let go. We’ve all been there.

Releasing under the band name Saint Pacific (there are more than a few Nate Smith’s out there) Blue is an exploration of love in various forms. Wild… precious… and a few things in between. 

With nearly twenty years of song writing experience under his belt, Smith has evolved into a beacon of honesty and real-life experiences especially when it comes to the process of composing lyrics. Harboring a belief that all artists are most often struggling poets, Nate strives to create songs that take people on an emotional and reflective journey that can only be described as both gripping and beautiful.