As part of the ‘Monomyyth’ trilogy from Chicago-based of1000faces, part two is ‘The Infinity Line’ following up the expansive instrumental ‘Astronomica’. From this release, we present his new single ‘ANAIRA’ with a new video was put together by Chris Zabriskie and Matt Walker. Not surprisingly, based on the Vangelis-like composition, this film is based on film footage from vintage 1960s-era Russian sci-fi films.

of1000faces is the solo project of Matt Walker, a renowned drummer and producer who has worked with some of alternative music’s most iconic artists. For 25 years, he has toured and recorded with Morrissey, Smashing Pumpkins, Garbage and Filter, all the while dedicating himself to myriad side projects, independent bands and film/tv work.

Known for his obsessive writing and recording while on tour, Walker eventually decided to pursue a more singular and personal endeavor. Thus was born of1000faces, the moniker reflecting the project’s inherent premise and, at the same time, a nod to Joseph Campbell’s ‘Hero of 1000 faces’.

“ANAIRA is inspired, in part, by epic science-fiction poem called ‘Aniara’ by Harry Martinson, which is about humans turning to space for refuge from a ravaged Earth. The piece is meant to convey a sense of determination and tenuous hope,” says Matt Walker.

“The video is a collage of Soviet Era science fiction films, edited into a series of space-age vignettes. Though the retro-futuristic look of these films is a great match for the music, I think the video’s real message is the vision and tenacity of these pioneering film makers.”

‘The Infinity LIne’ LP is out now digitally across online stores such as Apple Music and streaming platforms such as Spotify and Bandcamp. The ‘Astronomica’ album is also out now. Do also check out the  sampler video for this album.

Music by Matt Walker
Album cover artwork by: Gregor Huber
Photos by Derick Smith / Treatment by Brian Doherty
‘The Infinity Line’video by Patrick Buhr
‘Astronomica’ video by Matt Walker
‘ANAIRA’ video by Chris Zabriskie and Matt Walker

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