One of the busiest local bands to come our way in the past year is Toronto’s own indie rock outfit ON, so it should come as no surprise that they have ricocheted back in our sphere of attention with a new powerhouse offering – namely, a new single, called‘Make Me’.

Released via Toronto-based imprint Indiestructable Records, this single sees the trio carry on the legacy of the band from which they were formed – 90’s Sire Records band Acid Test. With lyrics penned by Lucy Di Santo (vocals, bass), this song was born of frustration and a longing desire to recapture a feeling of euphoria.

This female-led power trio also involves Dan Cornelius on drums and Steve Fall on guitars – apart from Acid Test, its members have also been in other popular Toronto bands Danko Jones and Deliuss.

“Musically, after our first release and jaunt with Acid Test, I was at a crossroads of musical styles; I had a desire to go back to a raw, gritty and powerful sound – I wanted to play a simple driving riff that expressed the frustration and yet immense drive I was feeling,” says Lucy Di Santo.

“Lyrically – I wanted to feel that “thing” that inspired me to want to pick up a guitar/bass in the first place; so I first wrote the ‘Make Me’ riff on a guitar. It was kind of a “oh yeah.. so take that” kind of musical statement.”

‘Make Me’ chants a polite ask (or task) of wanting to recapture that novelty, dopamine-fueled feeling that something – or someone – once sparked; to re-live a fantasy. “Can you make me want you…again?” Then followed by that bucket-of-cold water reality check and regret analysis: “Monday morning I thought I knew you. Come Thursday…I don’t really care to – never meant to!” Somethings and people come into one’s life for a reason – and some for a season. Living in the now – facing things as they are – growing up. And it’s all ok too……

“This song really came to life in a big way during our tour of Mexico in the mid-90s with fellow Canadian rockers Rusty. Such good times. ‘Make Me’ brings back fond memories of my mother playfully giving my former military father the finger behind his back… this is a warmup anthem that makes me wanna shoot hockey pucks hard n fast,” says Steve Fall, capturing a sense of the adrenaline on offer here on this latest single.

The band recently wrapped up recording sessions atBC Studio in Brooklyn with legendary producer Martin Bisi, famed for his groundbreaking work with Sonic Youth, Swans, Brian Eno, John Zorn, Herbie Hancock, Iggy Pop, Helmet, Africa Bambaataa, Dresden Dolls, Unsane, Cop Shoot Cop and many other notable artists.

ON also recently completed an extensive US tour in support of their critically-acclaimed ‘ON’ album, co-produced by Darius Szczepaniak (Sum 41, Black Crowes, Big Sugar, Bare Naked Ladies, Jann Arden) at Phase One Studios in Toronto. The album received extensive press and radio attention, not to mention charting in the Radio Indie Alliance charts consecutively for nearly a year.

‘Make Me’ is out today and can be downloaded from fine music platforms, including SpotifyApple Music and Bandcamp, where the trio’s ‘ON’ album can also be obtained digitally or on CD.

[bandcamp width=400 height=472 album=622680483 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]

Lyrics by Lucy Di Santo
Music written by Lucy Di Santo, Steve Fall, Gord Reilly, Dan Cornelius
Lucy Di Santo – vocals, bass
Dan Cornelius – drums
Steve Fall – lead / main rhythm guitar
Gord Reilly – rhythm guitar
Produced by Bill Hermans & ON
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Bill Hermans at Manta Sound
Video edited by Dan Cornelius
Cover photo credit: Jenni Otero

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