While there are many artists who have experience in other professional realms than making music, some happen to have more interesting career trajectories than others, which should also come as no surprise given how difficult it is to make a living from one’s art, coupled with the burnout factor and other financial considerations and family responsibilities. One of the more fascinating paths we have learned about lately has been taken by NJ-based indie rocker Rob Munk, whose new ‘Phased Out’ album we are pleased to present to you today.

It would be an understatement to say this album is excellent. The sound, the lyrics, and the geekness of it all blends together so well – there’s a lot here to appreciate. This is mind blowing when considering that this music may not have been made if it weren’t for the pandemic, coupled with the fact that this album arrives 20 years after Rob Munk initially left the music scene. But here he is in full force, joined by several good friends – actor/writer/artist Daniel London (Old Joy, Minority Report, Manhattan) and Tinsel drummer and writer-director Joe Ventura.

Released via Montclair, NJ-based Magic Door Label, a grassroots imprint founded by Guided by Voices’ Kevin March, producer Ray Ketchem and artist-vocalist Renée LoBue, this ambitious 2-track collection is, according to Munk, “a little poppy, a little sloppy and entirely honest”.

“Phased Out was such a joy to make. No oversight but my own standards, nothing at stake but my integrity. Years after wanting a career in music, I made music to supplement my career. I worked with masterful collaborators who understood my vision and worked hard to make it happen. I feel lucky for the opportunity, and proud to make a record as good as I could make,” says Rob Munk.

Mixed by Oakland composer-producer Chuck Johnson atCirrus Oxide, this album was produced, recorded, mastered and partially mixed at Magic Door Recording by Ray Ketchem, whose production credits include Guided By Voices, Gramercy Arms, Luna andElk City.

In the lead-up to this album, Munk released the upbeat environmentally-conscious lead track ‘Amazon’ and earlier singles ‘Heavy Shoes (to kill the blues)’ and‘Ghosts of San Francisco’. The latest single ‘Youth’ is a sonic love letter to misspent youth, a misty-eyed celebration of juvenile delinquency and bad decisions made in that magical time before consequences, regret and civic responsibility took their rightful place as guiding principles.

‘Phased Out’ is a record that somehow comes out of nowhere from an artist that has been almost everywhere. This is modern rock that respects people’s emotional intelligence. With elements of 1990’s and 2000’s indie rock and traces of 1970’s AM pop, this is music that respects people’s emotional intelligence.

[bandcamp width=700 height=472 album=2867565443 size=large bgcol=ffffff linkcol=0687f5 artwork=small]

For Rob Munk, music was never the plan. An actor from the age of three, he and his brothers would commute into NYC from New Jersey for gigs to help support life with a single Mom. After several years of filming commercials (including Jello pudding with Bill Cosby), Rob was cast as young Woody Allen in ‘Stardust Memories’, his brother having played the same role in the Oscar-winning ‘Annie Hall’. He left acting at 14, enrolled in boarding school and formed a band, soon learning that music felt more natural and was far more fun than acting. He was hooked.

Upon moving to Boston, Rob’s new band Thudpucker became a staple on the Boston rock scene in the early 90’s as many local bands were starting to explode. Between several singles, local gigs and touring, they opened for everyone from Pavement and Hole to the Afghan Whigs and Juliana Hatfield. After relocating to Chapel Hill, NC, Rob formed the indie rock band Tinsel, having opened for Polvo, Guided By Voices, Pipe and Come, while also playing in cover bands with members of Firehose and Superchunk. After some touring and a few singles, they put out two records before imploding of natural rock and roll causes.

After stints in a few more NYC bands, Munk was once again doing commercials and TV shows, including scenes with Tina Fey, Tony Hale, John Goodman and Paul Giammatti. After moving to LA for a pilot season but getting no traction there, Rob launched the now-defunct blog ‘LoserActor’, creatively chronicling his daily humiliation. With his writing brought to the attention of the creative directors at famed ad agency Wieden + Kennedy, Rob returned to New York – only this time as a copywriter and creative director, writing huge campaigns for ESPN, Delta Airlines and AT&T.

As of November 18, the ‘Phased Out’ LP will be available everywhere digitally, including Apple MusicSpotify and Bandcamp, where it can be ordered directly from the artist.

Written by Rob Munk
Rob Munk – vocals, guitar
Daniel London – lead guitar
Joe Ventura – drums
Scott Anthony – bass
Megan Reilly – vocals
Peter Gallagher – vocals
Maple Munk – vocals
George Munk – keyboards
Ray Ketchem – drums, keyboards, synths
Chuck Johnson – guitar, pedal steel, synths
Recorded and mastered by Ray Ketchem at Magic Door Recording
Mixed by Chuck Johnson at Cirrus Oxide in Oakland
Cover artwork by Ron Liberti
‘Youth’ video concept by Iam Williams and Rob Munk
Directed and edited by Iam Williams @ Shoffice

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