Four-time GRAMMY winner Sarah Jarosz recently announced her new album,Polaroid Lovers, and shared the fantastic album opener “Jealous Moon.” Today, she releases another teaser from the record with a poignant homage to NYC with “Columbus & 89th.” A Texas native, she’s spent most of her adult life living in New York City, but shortly before writing Polaroid Lovers Jarosz left her adopted home to join her soon-to-be husband in Nashville, TN. “Columbus & 89th” drifts into a dreamlike beauty as Jarosz reflects on the ineffable heartache of leaving her longtime home back in 2020. “New York signified this childhood dream that I’d had for so long, so moving to Nashville was like turning the page from youth to adulthood,” she says.

“‘Columbus & 89th’ ended up just pouring out of me once Daniel Tashian and I started working on it—there was so much nostalgia and melancholy that I needed to process, and now I still tear up whenever I hear it. As a songwriter my main goal is to tell the truth about my experience, and I think the fact that that song makes me so emotional means that I was tapping into a real feeling.” Listen to the song now, and watch Sarah return to some of her favorite NYC haunts in the music video for “Columbus & 89th.”