“Water in My Lungs is about the agony of regret, whether it’s an action you previously failed to take or words that you now consider a mistake; a pain that breaks your heart so badly it causes the lungs to fill with water. It’s an actual medical condition to have water in your lungs due to heart failure and I loved using this as a metaphor for a broken heart within a relationship. This song explores how our mental psyche can affect our physical being.”

SASA STUBBS, born Salvatore Galiano, is a singer, songwriter, instrumentalist, and producer born in Germany andbased in Los Angeles, CA. During his youth he moved around Germany and this experience shaped Sasa’soutcast identity, style, and tattoos. His empathy towards outsiders drives a unique musical curiosity that isrepresented in his genre-bending sound. In his own music, Sasa combines pop melodies and stronginstrumentals, to do what he does best — defy norms and reinvent himself yet again.


Sasa first listened to Eminem and Lil Wayne but later found his way into the darker rock, emo, and death- coregenres. The bredthe of Sasa’s influences cannot be overstated as he draws heavy inspiration from

the punk-pop, 80’s New Wave, and later hardcore punk movements. By the time Sasa arrived in LA his modern influences expanded to trap music, and dark pop mixed with psychedelic/synth pop.

Almost every decision Sasa has made in his life has established him as a rebel. In his youth he never felt accepted at school, struggled with anxiety/panic at- tacks and found friendship with those on the margins. Inhis music Sasa desires to teach love and tell stories of his own personal struggles, as evident by his

grand display of tattoos. His music speaks to how he found strength, while still acknowledging and unpacking many hard truths. Going against the grain is at Sasa Stubbs’ core.