Pop-punk duo the Dollyrots have made this year’s holiday releases a family affair once again and are releasing them as a “name your price” gift from the band family to yours. Both songs were produced by Dollyrots guitarist Luis Cabezas.

Dollyrots singer and bassist Kelly Ogden explains, “We love doing Christmas covers but the kids really wanted to do the Chipmunks song this year. Which meant Luis and I felt like we could do an original. We figure a lot of people can relate to the hustle and bustle of the holidays and just wanting to find your person for a quiet moment.”

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The Dollyrots bring a ton of punky fire on their original pop-punk duet “Christmas Time With You.” While their kids aka The DollyTots deliver a cuteness overload on their version of “The Chipmunks Song.”

“After putting out enough Christmas covers to make a full album over the years, we decided it was time to write an original. We cut the whole thing in our home studio, and once the kids saw what we were doing they wanted to join the party and appear on their own track. Our son River has been learning “The Chipmunk Song” in chorus class for his Winter Concert so recording a family-style version had to happen,” says Cabezas.

Both songs celebrate the festive time of the year in an unbelievably catchy and unmistakable Dollyrots’ pop-punk way. Stream the songs here: https://thedollyrots.bandcamp.com/album/christmas-time-with-you-the-chipmunk-song

Join them and celebrate the holidays with a super jolly and fun acoustic show A Dollyrots Family Sing-A Longon December 22 at 5 PM PST on Stage-It. Reserve your spot and pay what you want here:https://www.stageit.com/the_dollyrots/a_dollyrots_holiday_family_sing_along/109721

The Dollyrots are ready to hit the road in 2023 with new music to coincide. Stay up to date at: http://www.dollyrots.com/web/tour