Canadian Alt-country rockers Tucker Lane pleased to announce the release of their sophomore album Random Fireworks on a Beach Obscured by Trees. The album is slated for release via all streaming platforms on January 15th.

While a self-acknowledged, indie-rock “baby band,” the principals in Tucker Lane – Leslie Stanwyck (vocalist/multi-instrumentalist/composer/producer) and Johnny Sinclair (bassist/composer/producer) – are CanRock mainstays, with a musical lineage dating back to their time in Platinum selling band The Pursuit of Happiness, their formative days as the hard-rocking Loud Factory, and then parlaying their distinct power pop across seven Universal Honey albums.

‘’We are so excited to have this album come out after such a weird year in 2020 and are patiently waiting when the industry opens up again so we can get out and perform these songs live,’’ said lead singer Leslie Stanwyck. “’We had the privilege of working with Saskatoon local mixer Bart McKay who has worked with so many great Canadian acts.  We are thrilled with how the final recordings sound.”

The band has likened the Random Fireworks On a Beach Obscured By Treesapproach to that taken by the Rolling Stones on their hit Some Girls album – that is, stylistically putting their spin on the songs without being overly hung upon style or genre. The first single, “Paper Wings,” for example, was a full-on band collaboration with self-described “sassy songwriter” Lindsay Czitron, a Nashville lyricist Stanwyck met years ago in Toronto. The haunting ambient sonics on the Stanwyck/Sinclair original “Ghost,” the second single, serve as a companion to many feeling the loneliness or isolation during these times.

‘’All of the songs work together well on the album due to the common element of FM pop and rock ‘n’ roll that is reminiscent of the music we grew up with that brought us joy,’’ said Stanwyck.

Stanwyck and Sinclair recorded and produced the record in their home studio in Saskatoon, with in-person performances taking place after lockdown restrictions allowed the group to expand their personal bubbles.  Using lessons learned from earlier producers – Todd Rundgren, Aubrey Winfield, and Dale Penner – and their own experience with recording technology, Stanwyck and Sinclair teamed with Carlin and Medernach on the extended soundscapes on “Random Fireworks On a Beach Obscured By Trees,” undeterred by the personal and commercial challenges around them. As indie artists, Tucker Lane’s efforts on this release were assisted by a grant from Creative Saskatchewan.